Today go Hari Raya!! Itz was my First experience, and itz was fun but tireding hahax!! Meet Radianah kak, yursan and salimah!! Then the 1st stop was at hazim house hahax when we reach at hazim house i was alamak gosh!! how to greet sia, couse cannot be greet with malay traditional way mahx hahax so pei seh at hazim house sia.. at hazim house chit chat and have abit of lunch and get going to the next stop, but when we gonna to say bye, we needa to greet again and when i wanna to greet i drop my staff!!! soooo sooo pei seh sia~ itz was a big laught!! but itz okae! couse we at hazim house was so quiet!!! next stop was sima kak house! her tiwns kids birthday!! go to her house as raya and celebrate her tiwns kids birthday! soo also the same things, have food for us to eat! after that cookies and last was the kidz birthday cake!! and take some picture before we go!! 3rd stop was Fauziah kak house my manager, open house for raya and her litter son birthday! spencer was there before us, have dinner at her house, chit chat, and the lame joke of spencers hahax!! but i know something after i finish my dinner!!! KATRINA! u say my bad things to spencer huh! hehex I WILL DISTURB YOU! hahax!! but it okae hehex i not a sort temple guy hahax!! after dinner we continuous chit chat and spencer started the lame joke with the balloons, itz was like what the hell, so dirty joke lor but itz was funny when 1 of the balloon ish long and circuit and spencer say "see guy, you don think itz look like an *** toys?" hahax itz was so crap lor but have a lot of fun ar!! 4th was yusran house! nothing much but have ice-cream to eat!! hahax!! chit-chat, watch tv awhile and itz came to our last stop! radianah kak house!! have supper over there and their cookies too!! the cookies was so nice till i wanna to ask them how to they bake itz!! hahax after that take picture, taking picture i was like so left out abit couse i help them take the picture of them then later say take together but they take as pairs, so i was watching tv lor till when they wanna to keep yay then say take picture with terry ah! then i say ah take with pair ah i only take with hazim and yusran lor, what about radianah kak and salimah!! but nbm lor maybe i was to sensitive bahxx!! bad for miie hahahax but itz was a great day for miie!! hahahahahax!!!this was 22oct at lido celebrate my birthday
from the top left, wen lai, crabby michael, miie and bensonBenson and miie
yusran at left miie then hazim!!

miie and katrina