Well i just came back from my Holiday at downtown east! having my own chalet, last year will be better then this year! 1st day going out from my house it was like, i just finish shopping at market! only got miie and my friendz 2 person, carry all the stuff to book in 1st day, it was so arg!! but ot okae! at night jeremy and michael come! itz better then 2 person inside the room, hahas you know what i mean!
2nd day michael go work in the morning, zhen yong come at 4pm, after BBQ, 11+ bing seng come and michael came back! but not alone! but with his ex and 2 friendz!! Omg!! what kinda of character people have girlfriend also have!! hahas it was okae but when we went to X-zone we saw shun rong!! long time no see dude!! after "jht" ,
3rd day have more people benson, jas,carby hahas more fun, and more great!!! hahas but at 10puls bingseng goes home boring!!
4th day book out was late!! haahas down town was nagging miie out of the room!! =P book out at 130pm reach home around 4pm and at 530pm we wen lai, michael.benson,carby go watch Alvin and the Chipmunks hahas!!
this ish some of the pic we take at chalet!
Michael,Wenlai and Jeremy