When Lido to have lunch, and chit chat for awhile, next was go to cineleisure to play pool, time fly fast, we meet at 3pm and the next thing was she gonna to meet her friendz at 8pm, so i was alone again hahas! So i decide to go back to lido to slack over there! when i reach lido the first thing i saw was spencer!!! wondering why he was there? The next thing i turn back i saw wee yong!! so ah-ga i know why he was there!! hahas! so we chit chat about that thing happen last night!! hahas!! after that spencer was go great!!! let miie and weeyong watch "I am the legend"

Well this movie was awsome! but will smith as the main character die!! so wasted!! it nice! and the zombie was so power man!! their zombie is better then Residence Evil! more violence and powerful but not as disguesthing!! hahax
go home after the movie, zzzz